The story of the demon Mariko keeps developing, as more of Mariko's past emerges.
This seems like a good opportunity to release a song about Mariko translated and subbed by yours truly (and thanks to Masa, Ri-nee and mikkih for figuring out lines that weren't intelligible to me; thanks to Curser and Cross for advice on timing and typesetting; and thanks to georgi for proofing). Let's note that this is the first time I've subbed a video. If you don't like the lack of karaoke effect (personally, I hate karaoke), fonts, colors, animated subs, the fact that I chose to hard sub, or anything else for that matter, I can give you my .ASS file and you can do it yourself.
Also, I don't really know where to release videos like these, so I'll just give a mediafire dl link (it's only 66 MB). Feel free to upload to torrents or streaming video sites. If you do, leave a link here and I'll add it to the release post.
So, without further ado, a song about Mariko! Note: mediafire now streams video as well, but don't try to watch it online, you'll have no audio in their player.
Ah, and the chapter itself is below:
Download Bloody Mary Chapter 11
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so, so , so , so much! Love the author and this is one of my favorite series. ♥ ♥ ♥ So much love to y'all for working on this series! I truly dream of it being licensed and available for purchase in English someday. So many of the panels are poster-worthy!